The Great Storm of 1987

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In the early hours of October 16, 1987, a devastating storm named the Great Storm of 1987 swept across Southern England, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.


In the early hours of October 16, 1987, a devastating storm named the Great Storm of 1987 swept across Southern England, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. This unexpected and fierce weather event caught many by surprise, causing widespread chaos and claiming the lives of several people. With winds gusting up to 115 mph (185 km/h), this storm would go down in history as one of the most remarkable natural disasters to hit the United Kingdom in recent memory.


As the storm began brewing on the evening of October 15, 1987, meteorologists initially underestimated its potential severity. However, as the night unfolded, the storm grew in intensity, catching forecasters and authorities off guard. By the early hours of October 16, Southern England found itself in the midst of an unprecedented weather phenomenon.

The strong winds ripped through structures, uprooted trees, and toppled power lines, causing massive electricity blackouts in several areas. Roads became impassable due to fallen debris, leaving motorists stranded and emergency services struggling to reach those in need. Ferocious gusts shattered windows and damaged roofs, exacerbating the chaos and leaving many homes exposed to the elements.

One of the most devastating consequences of the Great Storm was the loss of lives. Across the affected regions, tragic reports emerged of individuals succumbing to the power of the tempest. Trees, torn from their roots, fell onto unsuspecting individuals, while flying debris proved fatal for others. Amidst the chaos, heroic acts of bravery and kindness were witnessed as communities came together to assist those affected and navigate the tumultuous aftermath.

The aftermath of the storm revealed immense damage across Southern England. Ancient woodland lay in ruins, with toppled trees and broken branches covering vast areas. Parks, gardens, and public spaces were unrecognizable, resembling scenes from a warzone. The agricultural sector also suffered significantly, as crops were decimated and farm buildings destroyed.

This unprecedented event served as a wake-up call for meteorologists and weather forecasters, prompting improved technologies and forecasting techniques. The Great Storm of 1987 remains etched in people's memories, and its legacy is seen in the nation's readiness to face similar weather events today.


The Great Storm of 1987 stands as a stark reminder of the power of nature and its ability to disrupt and devastate. As Southern England grappled with the chaos and loss caused by this unexpected tempest, the event sparked a renewed focus on weather forecasting and emergency preparedness. Despite the destruction left in its wake, the Great Storm also showcased the resilience of communities, as neighbors and strangers alike banded together to offer support and aid. This event continues to serve as a reminder of both our vulnerability and our strength in the face of nature's force.


Reprinted:The Great Storm of 1987
