Erangel: PUBG's first map

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Erangel is the first map of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), set in a fictional former Soviet Union region. It combines a variety of terrains and architectural styles to meet various tactical needs.

PUBG is a multiplayer online tactical competitive game. Players fight for survival in a large-scale open world. By collecting weapons, equipment, and tactical supplies, they compete with other players until they become the last survivors. The game is famous for its exciting rhythm and highly free gameplay. It has diverse map designs and realistic environments. It provides a wealth of tactical options and multiple game modes, making it a classic competitive game loved by players around the world. If you need it, mmowow gold can help you.

Map features

1. Diverse terrain
Erangel's diverse terrain covers cities, villages, military bases, mountains, forests, and other environments, providing players with diverse combat scenarios.

Urban area:

Pochinki: Located in the center of the map, it is a hotspot area where players frequently land. It has dense buildings and is suitable for close combat and ambush.
Yasnaya Polyana: A large city with many high-rise buildings and residential areas, suitable for team combat and resource gathering.
Georgopol: Divided into north and south parts, separated by a river, the south is a residential area with high-rise buildings, and the north is the container and port area, providing rich resources and tactical options.

Rural areas:

Farm: Located in the southeast of the map, it has vast fields and sparse houses, suitable for medium and long-range firefights.
Mylta: A small town close to the east coast, with some industrial buildings and residential areas, and relatively rich resources.
Shelter: Located east of the center of the map, it is an underground bunker with a complex interior, suitable for melee combat and ambush.

Military base:

Military Base on Sosnovka Island: Located on a small island in the south of the map, it is connected to the main island through two bridges. There is a large amount of military equipment and fierce battle scenes here, which often becomes a landing point for high risks and high rewards.
Mountains and forests:

Stalber: Located in the highlands in the northeastern part of the map, there are dense forests and good sniper positions.
Kameshki: A small village near the northeast corner, surrounded by high ground and trees, providing good cover and visibility.

2. Important locations

Pochinki is one of the most popular landing spots in the center of the map. The buildings here are dense and the streets are narrow, suitable for close combat. Players need to be careful of enemy ambush here and use buildings flexibly for cover and counterattack.

Yasnaya Polyana:
Yasnaya Polyana is a large city with abundant resources. Players can use high-rise buildings to control the high ground, and at the same time avoid the sight of snipers when moving, and conduct careful house searches and battles.

Georgopol is divided into north and south parts. The container area in the north provides rich resources and complex bunkers, suitable for teamwork. The residential area in the south is suitable for one person or a small team to carry out tactical layouts and resource collection.

Farm and Mylta:
Farm and Mylta are located in the southeast, providing a relatively open combat environment suitable for medium and long-range firefights. Players here need to pay attention to their surrounding vision and use fields and buildings for tactical movement and ambush.

Sosnovka military base:
Military bases are a high-risk, high-reward area. There is a large amount of military equipment and resources here, but it also attracts a large number of players. Players need to quickly collect equipment and use complex building layouts to defend and counterattack.

Stalber and Kameshki:
Stalber and Kameshki provide good sniping positions and cover. Players can use highlands for long-range sniping while using forests for covert movement and ambush.


1. Vehicle
1.1 UAZ
The UAZ is a Russian-made military off-road vehicle that is widely used due to its sturdy structure and good off-road capabilities. There are three models of UAZ in the game: soft top, hard top, and convertible.

UAZ has a rugged appearance design, a tall body, and large wheels, making it adaptable to various terrains. Soft-top and hard-top models offer some protection, while convertibles offer better visibility but less protection.

Maximum speed: about 90-115 km/h.
Durability: High, able to withstand more bullet and explosion damage.
Number of seats: four.
Applicable scene:
UAZ is suitable for rapid movement in various terrains, especially in mountainous and uneven terrain. Its high durability makes it ideal for quick transfers and protection between teams.

Method of obtaining:
UAZs are commonly found at fixed spawning points on the map, and may also randomly spawn in open areas.

Use the UAZ's high durability as a cover.
Use it in mountainous and complex terrains to give full play to its off-road advantages.

Dacia 1300

The Dacia 1300 is a vintage Romanian-made sedan known for its classic design and high-speed capabilities.

Dacia 1300 has a simple appearance, a four-door design, and a low body. It is mainly used for fast movement on flat terrain.

Maximum speed: about 130 km/h.
Durability: Medium, able to withstand moderate damage.
Number of seats: four.

Applicable scene:
The Dacia 1300 is perfect for moving quickly on roads and flat terrain. Its high-speed driving ability allows players to quickly enter a safe zone or avoid enemy attacks.

Method of obtaining:
Dacia 1300 is mainly refreshed along the highway, in urban areas, and near villages.


Use it on highways and open areas to take full advantage of its high speed.
Avoid use in complex terrain and mountainous areas as its off-road capabilities are poor.

1.3 Motorcycle

Motorcycles are one of the fastest vehicles in the game and are divided into regular motorcycles and motorcycles with sidecars.

Motorcycles are designed to be lightweight. Regular motorcycles are suitable for fast movement by a single person, while motorcycles with sidecars can carry two passengers.

Maximum speed: about 150 km/h.
Durability: Low, vulnerable to damage.
Number of seats: two for regular motorcycles and three for motorcycles with sidecars.

Applicable scene:
Motorcycles are suitable for moving quickly in open areas and roads, especially when there is an urgent need to transfer or enter a safe zone.

Method of obtaining:
Motorcycles randomly spawn on roadsides and in urban areas.


Take advantage of its high-speed driving capabilities for quick transfers.
Drive carefully to avoid rollover accidents at high speeds.
Motorcycles with sidecars are suitable for quick group transfers, but be aware of their lower durability.
Speedboat is the main water vehicle in the game, suitable for rapid transfer in the waters between Sosnovka Island and the main island.

Speedboats are designed to be lightweight and fast, suitable for moving quickly on the water.

Maximum speed: about 90 km/h.
Durability: Medium, able to withstand a certain amount of damage.
Number of seats: four.

Applicable scene:
Speedboats are suitable for quick transfers on the water, especially between Sosnovka Island and the main island. It helps players avoid enemies on land and quickly enter a safe zone.

Method of obtaining:
Speedboats are mainly spawned along coastlines and rivers, especially on the coastlines near Sosnovka Island and the main island.

Quick transfer between Sosnovka Island and the main island.
Use speedboats on the water to avoid enemies on land and make strategic moves.

Bridges and ferries:

Bridges: The two bridges connecting Sosnovka Island to the main island are important strategic points and often serve as ambush points.
Ferry: Provides a docking point for boats to facilitate water movement.

Game experience

Tactical diversity:

Erangel's diverse terrain and buildings provide a wealth of tactical options. Players can choose to engage in close combat in urban areas, using building cover and high-rise sniping, or they can choose to engage in long-range shooting and ambush in open terrain.
Rich supplies:

A variety of locations provide a wealth of supplies. Military bases and large urban areas have a large amount of advanced equipment, while rural areas and edge areas are suitable for quickly collecting basic supplies.
Survival and Escape:

The high-density buildings and resources in the central area attract a large number of players, while the edge areas provide a safer living environment. Control of bridges and waterways is crucial for movement and escape later in the game.

Practical application

Landing options:

Novice players can choose more remote and resource-rich areas to avoid early fierce battles. Experienced players can choose popular locations such as Pochinki or Military Base to quickly obtain advanced equipment.
Route planning:

After collecting supplies, players need to plan a moving route based on the location of the poison circle. By rationally utilizing vehicles and bridges, you can quickly transfer and avoid direct conflicts with the enemy.
Combat skills:

In urban areas, use buildings and terrain for cover and counterattack. In open terrain, pay attention to using terrain undulations and vegetation for concealment and ambush.

As the first map of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Erangel is deeply loved by players for its rich and diverse terrain, complex and changeable combat environment, and diverse tactical options. Whether you are a novice or an experienced player, you can find your own survival and combat strategies on this map and experience the exciting battle fun. If you also like it, pubg mobile uc can let you experience it.
